Warmest greetings my fellow businesspersons. I hope that you are all in good spaces both socially and economically, and that you are maintaining the health protocols. Remember though that even during difficult times there is always light at the end of the proverbial tunnel so remain positive. God is great!
June as you all know is youth month, and I want to highlight some parallels between that, and the informal business sector. Firstly, I salute those brave, unselfish fighters of 1976 who sacrificed so much for so many and who will forever remain the nucleus of our democracy. Survivors are now in their late 50’s, early 60’s. Thousands were at that time not able to complete their studies and without the required qualifications many migrated to the informal sector where they carved out their livelihoods. Some become entrepreneurs within the sector and progressed into highly successful businesses.
Today the youth face insurmountable challenges. Government and big business do not provide sufficient work opportunities for our youth who, though highly educated are not able to find sustainable jobs. Once again, our sector absorbs them, giving them the chance to make something of their lives. This illustrates the critical situation for job seekers on the one hand, and the opportunities lurking within the informal sector.
SAITA seeks to widen the scope for informal workers by co-designing and implementing programs which has as its goal a significant rise in the standard of living for all. To achieve even a scintilla of this, we need to unite under a national protective umbrella where we speak with one voice. SAITA is that umbrella, that voice, that vehicle that will carry you through the trials and tribulations of life as we know it!
We are by far the largest and most representative national traders’ movement in S.A. with a footprint in each of the 9 provinces. Literally we are in reach of any traders/ merchants’ associations which may seek affiliation. The benefits as illustrated elsewhere in this publication will indeed convince you of the many advantages there are as opposed to chugging along under your own steam.
As president of SAITA, I invite you to become a member, to take advantage of the benefits we offer. Why delay? United we stand, divided we fall!
Continua Aluta comrades,
Rosheda Müller
( President)